Omti Foundation


In India, the term “community” is frequently used to refer to religious or caste groupings, as well as economic groups that do not necessarily live in the same area. However, in sociology, the term “community” refers to a collection of individuals who live in a specific location and share certain basic common interests.

The Community Development and National Extension Service study team (1957) correctly pointed out that the term “community” had previously meant religion or caste groups. The Community Development Programme was launched with the intention of being applied to the concept of the village community as a whole, cutting through caste, religious, and economic barriers.

Main Objectives of Rural Development

  • To raise people’s living standards by giving them food, shelter, clothing, work, and education.
  • To boost rural output and alleviate poverty.
  • People should be involved in planning and development by participating in decision-making and centralising administration.
  • In terms of social and economic infrastructure, this entails providing commodities and services.
  • Increasing the self-sufficiency of each rural family’s income.
  • In the process of improving services for the rural population.

Key Factor to Rural Community Development

To promote the comprehensive development of communities and their people, the programmes focus on improving livelihood, early childhood development, health, education, water and sanitation, youth-related activities, the environment, and strengthening grassroots institutions.